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Action Lifecycle


Any action submitted to the Micro-Rollup goes through a series of stages in its lifecycle. The action lifecycle is broadly classified into 2 groups

Execution Lifecycle

The execution lifecycle of an action directly relates to the updation of state within the Micro-Rollup.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. User creates an action
  2. User submits the action
  3. Action is acknowledged
  4. Action is included in a block
  5. Action is executed

The execution of the action can be successful or can be reverted based on the state transition function.

Confirmation Lifecycle

The confirmation lifecycle of an action relates to the finality of the action. It means if the action has been successfully received, executed, verified and stored on-chain.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. Action is acknowledged
  2. Action is executed
  3. Action is verified
  4. Action is finalized

Action finalization are split into 2 parts

  • finalized and published on DA
  • finalized and stored on Ethereum

Acccessing the Action Lifecycle

The action's lifecycle update can be accessed through micro-rollup's events framework. More about this can be found in the Events section.