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The star of the show

The micro-rollup utility is the hero of the Stackr framework

A micro-rollup is initialized this -

import { MicroRollup } from "@stackr/sdk";
/* ... other imports ... */
const rollup = await MicroRollup({
  config: stackrConfig,
  actionSchemas: [...actionSchemas],
  stateMachines: [machine],
await rollup.init();

The Micro-rollup object takes in 3 main parameters -

  1. config - The stackr configuration object

all the details that you set in the stackr.config.ts file is passed to the micro-rollup like this. It uses this configuration to set up the environment for the rollup and instantiate the Sequencer, Executor and Syncer.

  1. actionSchemas - The action schemas defined earlier

The action schemas are the blueprints for the actions that the rollup can perform. These are defined previously and are passed to the micro-rollup to be used in the execution of the actions. The rollup takes in an action and matches it with state transition rules to execute the action.

  1. stateMachines - The state machine

The state machine is the heart of the rollup. It defines the state transition rules and the actions that can be performed in each state.

Optional parameters

The Micro-Rollup object also takes in a few optional parameters

  1. stfSchemaMap - A map of the STF names to the schema objects. This is used to map the schemas to the state transitions of the rollup. Defining this allows validation on action submission and auto-fill in Playground.

  2. blockHooks - An object containing two keys pre and post both being ordered array of names of the hooks to execute with each block.