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Utility Modes

What can be built in this paradigm?

Micro rollups offer a transformative approach for developing a broad spectrum of applications, essentially enhancing anything traditionally built as a smart contract on a blockchain. This paradigm shift not only promises an improved developer experience by abstracting away the complexities of Layer 1 blockchain intricacies but also allows developers to leverage their existing skills in a more familiar development environment.

Infact anything that can be built as a smart contract on a blockchain can be built better as a combination of MRU and a smart contract.

1. Sidecars to existing protocols

MRUs introduce a novel method for augmenting existing blockchain protocols through the implementation of sidecars. These auxiliary services can introduce new functionalities or alleviate the main protocol from certain computational duties, thereby streamlining its operations. By migrating some of the computational work off-chain while ensuring the data remains verifiable and secure, MRUs enhance both the efficiency and scalability of the protocol.

A practical application of this is seen in decentralized exchanges, where an MRU-powered sidecar could manage the order book. This setup enables the maintenance of a high-throughput, verifiable order book outside the constraints of the main blockchain, a feat difficult to achieve with traditional blockchain technology alone.

2. Standalone Applications

MRUs are not just supplementary; they can be the backbone of standalone applications that are both robust and fully operational. These applications benefit from the speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of MRUs, all while maintaining the security and verifiability expected of blockchain-based solutions. Standalone applications powered by MRUs can range from dynamic games and social networks to intricate DeFi platforms.

In gaming, MRUs could revolutionize how player achievements, scores, and inventories are tracked, allowing for real-time updates without the overhead of traditional blockchain transactions. Social media platforms could use MRUs to manage the flurry of user interactions—like posts, comments, and reactions—in a manner that keeps the user experience fluid and engaging. For DeFi applications, MRUs offer a scalable solution to manage transactions, contract states, and account balances efficiently, sidestepping the bottlenecks associated with on-chain computations.

In summary, MRUs present a versatile and powerful toolset for both enhancing existing blockchain protocols and developing new, standalone applications that are fast, scalable, and cost-effective, marking a significant leap forward in blockchain application development.